Friday, November 20, 2009
You Got To ...Pray
Anyways, while I was sitting in the: 5minuteexpressdrivethruforthoseofusthathave15minutestoorderandscarf I was listening to Dr. Dobson have a discussion about teaching our children to pray. I suddenly felt very convicted of not doing a very good job at that. Yes, we pray at the table as a family and they know how to do, "God is great..." and I pray with each of the girls at bed time, when I am not too tired and thought I might make it through without falling asleep, as I am on bended knee beside their beds.
But do they know that they can talk to God all the time, casually, just like they talk to me.
Here is another view on praying (more for the adults).
God knows all your thoughts, he hears every unspoken word, so why do we need to pray and verbally tell God what's on our hearts?
Answer: Because no relationship has ever been formed by just eavesdropping.
A wife knows that her husband loves her, but it's nice to hear him say it. Same thing as our relationship with Christ.
The other day I bought this 2 ft. tall 'J' to decorate and hang on my front door. Hayley picked it up and said look Mama it's like a 'H'"
I said, "No, that's a 'J' for jump.....and.....Jesus."
Hayley, "name, Amen."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hopefully The First of Many
Healthy and Happy
Since we were eating at the bar they decided to grab an apple off of the 3 tier stand I have on the counter.
It has little tiny pumpkins and fake fall leaves sitting on the top and bottom layer and I put apples on the middle layer, for decoration of course. Except, as quickly as I go the store and buy some pretty green Granny Smith apples to put on my middle tier, they jump up on the bar stool and snatch some off to eat. I really shouldn't complain.
Side Note: If there is one thing I have learned it is that you have to keep good, healthy, fresh fruits and veggies readily available. Why? Because we are Americans and Americans like convience. If you have to wash and cut those strawberries or rinse off the grapes before you can eat them, let's face it, it's probably not going to happen and they go bad and get thrown away. Ok, maybe that only happens in my house! When I buy grapes or strawberries I go ahead and rinse and cut them up and put them in tupperware so it is ready to eat. I know, you feel like you're reading an insert out of a Martha Stewart mag. I'll stop, I know BORING! Maybe it will help ONE mama out there.
As I was, scarfing down my food because that's what us moms have to do, I noticed how healthy they were eating and I am so thankful they like to eat things that are good for their bodies and minds!
And yes, only in a small country town like ours will you find one wearing a John Deer shirt and the other wearing a Callie Kays shirt! Ha!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Let me first start by saying Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Edwards!
The second part of our trip had to do with this guy....
The girls had so much fun! Actually this was their first time staying in a hotel. (That shows you right there that we don't get out much. Maybe now that they are older we will be able to go more places.)
This was them right after we walked into the room. Of course they immediately starting jumping on the beds and ran to look out the window! We were WAAAAAYYY up! On the 14h floor!
Sunday night we hit The Magic Kingdom.